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Everyone is Welcome into the Heart of Holiness David, for he wants to help you with your questions! Nothing is too simple or complicated! Semiconductor World Trainer! He loves computers and he loves you too! Email

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Youtube Downloader

Youtube videos - & there is a free piece of software called 'youtubedownloader'. download this -

from youtube to mp3

Welcome to the home of love, where your computer gets to know of hugs. Take the time to give it love, to ensure the spine stands, on the test of time (until you update protection files again). For only you can operate the golden rule, do unto your computer, who knows who to fool. But we do outwit the sliest fox, when we give love instead of gloves (put them up, combative forces). The greatest part of protection is clear, the smooth operation of moving in space is dear (world wide web). Protect my computer God above to bring the Angels down below. Bless and bless the common place, to be rest assured that all is grace.

1 comment:

  1. Another good site I use is:

    Not too sure about downloading software, it's best to just use web apps


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Your devoted servants,
Twin Deer Mother and Holiness David